Duchessdreams’s Weblog

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Update of sorts June 30, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — duchessdreams @ 11:18 pm

So life’s been busy and chaotic.  Mufasa wigged out on Friday.  Started growling, when I shushed him, he totally lost it.  Bit the hell out of my arms.  We rolled him down and held him until he calmed down.  Hasn’t done anything like it since.  I’m not totally sure what happened.  Combination of friends over, he had his bone? I don’t know.  It really struck me that you just don’t know what you’re getting into when you adopt.  We’re going to stick with it and he will become a well mannered dog. 

 He’s training is coming along.  Mostly knows sit.  And somehow he got it in his head that come means ‘go to the family room’.  We’re working on that. 

Had a gorgeous day at the lake Saturday.  My sister and her boyfriend came out with us.  Mufasa was a perfect gentleman, nice with the other dogs, good with the people.  A little freaked by the water but gods was he funny when he decided to drink from the lake (“hey! why are there waves in my water bowl?”)  We all bought masks and snorkels.  Matt was in heaven, swam all over the place looking at craw daddys and bringing back beads and such.  Jon and I had a tough time with the snorkels.  It’s definitely a skill not to panic in them.  Meme’s face mask wouldn’t seal so it didn’t work for her.  Still pretty much perfect.  We’re thinking about doing it again Saturday but I just realized that’s the fourth.  It’d be a mad house. 

Well, that’s most of it.  Work has been crazy, end of year sillyness and loads of new clients.  My garden isn’t doing too well.  Just feels like everything is supper slow this year.  I need to go weed too.   But at least it’s warming up:)


One Response to “Update of sorts”

  1. I missed this post!

    Came over to say haven’t heard from you in a while and saw it.

    Hoping doggie and you are doing well.

    My garden has taken off all of a sudden. Eaten two head of cabbage, pickled some beets, pulled the onion and garlic out, ate our first tomatoes (but they are adapted to cool weather!), picked two cucumbers (but the rest are very wee things).

    How’s work?! I took my first furlough day on the 6th…figured I’d have a four day weekend. I should find out next week how my desk audit went and what position they’re going to place my job. Cross your fingers!

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